This is Stick Cat. He got his name because Tom does not draw very well. You know how to draw stick people? Well, Tom draws stick cats (he draws stick dogs too).
Stick Cat is smart, loyal and clever. He lives with his human roommate, nicknamed Goose. Stick Cat loves to hang out with his best friend, Edith. Sometimes Edith can be a little, umm, challenging to hang out with. But Stick Cat is very patient and almost always happy to have Edith around.

This is Edith. She lives in the apartment behind Stick Cat’s.
Edith is a very good singer – at least she thinks she is. She is daring, brave and very aware of her own appearance. Edith thinks Stick Cat can be a little too cautious and practical sometimes. And she wishes he would listen to her ideas more often. But Edith thinks that he will eventually come to realize how beautiful and smart she really is.